2019 2020
Eerste dag van het jaar (2) 7 april 26 maart
Pascha (3) 20 april 8 april
Feest van de Ongezuurde Broden 21-27 april 9-15 april
Pinksterdag 9 juni 31 mei
Trompettenfeest 30 september 19 september
Verzoendag 9 oktober 28 september
Loofhuttenfeest 14 oktober 3-9 oktober
Laatste Grote Dag 21 oktober 10 oktober
(1) Alle dagen beginnen de voorafgaande avond bij zonsondergang (Gen. 1:5).
(2) De eerste dag van het jaar is geen heilige dag en wordt enkel ter informatie vermeld.
(3) Wordt de voorafgaande avond gehouden.
De maanden beginnen op de dag waarop de eerste sikkel van de nieuwe maan zichtbaar is in Israël, kort na zonsondergang op de voorafgaande avond. Het jaar begint op de eerste dag van de maand die begint op of na de lenteëvening.
Bron : http://www.biblicalcalendar.org/
Below is a comparison between the modern calculated Jewish calendar (that's the calendar most widely used by orthodox Jews), and the Biblical Calendar (YAHWEH's Calendar) :
A number of sacred name groups reject the Jewish calendar, but they base themselves on the moon and the state of the barley in Israel to determine the beginning of the year, instead of basing themselves on the sun and the moon, as commanded in Gen. 1:14. Those groups will rely on one or more people sent to (or living in) Israel who will check the state of the barley before the March new moon, to determine whether the next new moon is the first new moon of the year. So these groups must wait until March 10 or so to determine when the new year begins. They can't do that right now, in December of the preceding year. In the past, these 'experts' on barley have repeatedly disagreed amongst themselves when it comes to determining when to begin the new year, based on the state of the barley.
Yahweh is not the author of confusion. For a biblically correct explanation of the calendar, please refer to http://www.biblicalcalendar.org/CBC1.pdf. This is the calendar that we follow.
Yahweh is not the author of confusion. For a biblically correct explanation of the calendar, please refer to http://www.biblicalcalendar.org/CBC1.pdf. This is the calendar that we follow.
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